Fish to Eat for a Good Dose of Omega-3s
Eating fish is among the healthiest choices you can make for your diet, especially when you know the best types of fish to eat. The omega-3 fatty acids-rich foods caught from salty and clear waterways are the only sources of essential fats our bodies need. Brain health and reduced inflammation are among the tremendous benefits of eating fish. At least twice weekly, eat oily aka fatty fish, says the American Heart Association (AHA). Below, learn more about omega-3 fatty acids and the best kinds of fish to eat to maximize health advantages.
Why Eat Fish Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids?
Nutrition experts agree that omega-3 fatty acids are vital for optimal health. The following are among the many benefits of the best types of fish to eat because of the omega-3 fatty acids they contain:
- Fights anxiety and depression
- Promotes brain health in pre-born babies, infants, and in the early developmental years
- Reduces the risk of heart disease
- Can reduce symptoms of ADHD in children
- Can reduce symptoms of metabolic syndrome, including belly fat and insulin resistance
- Can reduce asthma in children
- Can reduce liver fat associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
- May improve joint and bone health
- Alleviates menstrual pain
- Can improve sleep
- Promotes skin health
- Can reduce inflammation
- May help prevent cancer
- Can improve mental disorders such as bipolar disorder
- Can fight autoimmune disease
- Improves eye health
Best Fish to Eat to Maximize Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
The following is a list of the fish that contain 1,000 MG or more of omega-3s:
- Salmon (Coho, Atlantic, Chinook)
- Tuna (Bluefin)
- Sardines
- Oysters (Pacific)
- Herring
- Whitefish
- Black Cod / Sablefish
- Mackerel
- Anchovies
The following fish contain 500-1,000 MG of omega-3s:
- Salmon (Chum, Pink & Sockeye)
- Swordfish
- Mussels
- Barramundi
- Tuna (Albacore)
- Trout
- Sea Bass
- Tilefish
To expound on the benefits of eating fish on the above lists, here is a closer look at salmon. Whether you are eating a wild or farmed variety, salmon is undoubtedly one of the best types of fish to eat. Wild salmon is preferred over farmed because it has lower exposure to contaminants such as antibiotics and higher amounts amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Farmed salmon is typically cheaper, however, and still makes the list of top fish to eat for your health. Salmon is highly versatile, and you can enjoy a wide range of salmon recipes to appeal to individual tastes. Nutritionists say the following ingredients in salmon contribute to good health:
- Omega-3 fatty acids, with benefits listed above
- Protein, which helps your body thrive and prevents muscle loss
- Tryptophan, which helps regulate your sleep
- Vitamin A, which supports eye health
- Vitamin D provides immune system support
- Vitamin B12 is energizing
- Vitamin B3 (niacin) helps keep cells functioning and provides energy
- Immune-boosting selenium
- Zinc, an essential mineral
- Glutamine, amino acid and a building block of protein
- Iron, which is crucial for numerous body processes
- Antioxidants, which protect against disease and support cell functioning
City Fish Market specializes in providing the best types of fish to eat and, overall, the best seafood to be found in Connecticut. You don’t just have to eat fish for the sake of good health because fresh seafood is delicious!
Countless recipes are available to make fish a favorite dish on your dinner table.
Contact us now using our online form, or call 860-522-3129 today.