
Seafood Seasonality in September

Knowing where to find seafood seasonality in September is as important as buying seafood in peak season. City Fish Market has long been a supreme spot for fresh seafood. You can always find seafood products and varieties at their peak for taste and freshness here. Our retail counters steadily win home cooks over for preparing healthy seafood-rich diets. Adopting seafood as a main staple helps countless food lovers enjoy healthier hearts and numerous other health benefits. Maximum freshness is essential if you want to ensure the best recipe results for seafood in season in September.

Fresh clams in Wethersfield, CT and Hartford, CT Clams

Wild clams come to the best fresh seafood seasonality in September. They are available year-round, but they spawn in summer months, which tends to produce a waterier texture. Quahogs or Atlantic hard-shell clams are best from April through September, though their peak season is early summer. 

Clams have widespread appeal, with sweet to briny flavor. You can eat it raw or partially cooked. It’s a lean protein rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and these are just a few selling points for anyone just getting introduced to clams. 

The best fresh seafood recipes are always improved when buying with seafood seasonality and freshness in mind. In September, try these delicious clam recipes

Live Maine Lobsters

September is the peak season for live Maine lobsters, which are a specialty at City Fish Market. The lobsters come fresh from our 5,000-gallon lobster pound. We have Maine and Canadian lobsters to order, from 1 to 10 pounds. 

Lobsters are the Number 1 crustacean in America! The unique, sweet flavor of the meat is the main appeal. Add lobster to your September menu, and consider these lobster recipes:

Boston Pollock

Boston bluefish aka Boston pollock is still in peak season in September, but it ends there until June. This tender fish is rich in flavor. Those who have caught bluefish know that catching them is great fun because they put up such a fight! Side note: Shiny, wobbling spoons are good lures for bluefish because they are drawn to flash. 

If you were to look up bluefish online, you may notice that it is a bloody, oily fish with a fishy taste. These attributes have resulted in bluefish being underrated because it can certainly be excellent table fare! You can grill, bake, broil, or sauté bluefish. Soaking bluefish in milk for about half an hour helps neutralize the strong fishy taste. So, choosing an irresistible recipe should not be too big a challenge. Finding bluefish won’t be difficult at City Fish Market. Simply go to the dark meat fish fillet counter, where friendly experts will assist you. 

Fresh seafood Market in Wethersfield CT and Rocky Hill, CTVisit City Fish Market for Fresh Seafood in Season in September

When it comes to seafood seasonality in September or in any other calendar month, City Fish Market in Wethersfield CT is the best place to go.

We have been perfecting seafood freshness since 1930, and you can count on it. Visit us at Silas Deane Hwy for the freshest clams, shrimp, live Maine lobster, Boston Bluefish, and much more.

Call us at 860-522-3129 for delivery or fill out our online form