Chef Secrets on the Best Ways to Make Shrimp

Shrimp is a scrumptious seafood choice, but it’s possible to encounter rubbery, overcooked shrimp at the dinner table. The best ways to make shrimp, which follow, include chef secrets that can help you avoid mishaps. Shrimp may be small shellfish, but it’s a big opportunity lost when preparation falls short of the possibilities.

fresh shrimp, new haven ctFoundational Tips for Cooking Shrimp

If you can buy your shrimp at City Fish Market, that’s always your best option. Otherwise, buy frozen shrimp in the shell and thaw the shrimp yourself when ready to cook. Two ways to safely thaw shrimp are as follows:

  • Thaw shrimp in the refrigerator slowly, which requires about 24 hours per pound, or
  • Thaw shrimp quickly by placing them in a colander under cold running water in the sink.
    Note: Never use warm or room temperature water when rinsing

Many recipes produce more flavorful results with the shell on. For any shrimp recipe, it is best to remove the dark, threadlike vein, which is the digestive tract. Shell off, it’s easy to remove with a slit along the back. To remove the vein with the shell on:

  • Use a small, sharp knife or kitchen scissors, cut through the shell along the back of the shrimp from head to tail.
  • Lift out the vein with your utensil.
  • If any residue remains, rinse off the shrimp in cold running water.

When shrimp are on the heat in the cooking process, give the task your full attention because even the largest shrimp take only a few minutes.

Methods for Cooking Shrimp

Shrimp can be seared, roasted, fried, braised, simmered, steamed, grilled, broiled, marinated, poached, boiled, or stewed. We all have our own particular tastes and preferences. So, the best ways to prepare this delicious crustacean might be any combination of shrimp recipes and methods for cooking shrimp.

Various chefs have experimented and come up with proven theories on shrimp preparation. Essential goals in cooking shrimp include ensuring that they are tender, juicy, not undercooked or overcooked, and free of stringy chewiness. Here’s a chef’s caution to avoid overcooking shrimp: Remember that shrimp continue to cook in a skillet after the heat is turned off. So, quickly transfer the shrimp from the pan to the mealtime destination, such as on pasta, in a salad, served with polenta or on a large platter.

fresh shrimp, new haven ctChef’s Tips for the Best Ways to Make Shrimp

Considering the many ways to prepare shrimp, it’s nice to narrow things down with the help of experienced chefs. The following are recommended by various chefs as the best ways to make shrimp:

  • Sauté or sear shrimp on high heat for 3 to 4 minutes tops
  • Braising is recommended for spicy, saucy shrimp that won’t dry out
  • Roasting shrimp is the best approach for speedy preparation and the best flavor and texture
  • Boiling shrimp is the supreme option when you have an exciting sauce or side and need to cook a large batch


Stop by City Fish Market today for fresh ingredients. We have succulent shrimp for adventures in determining the best ways to cook shrimp for your household. Our large variety of fresh seafood is likely to inspire a search for other top seafood recipes, as well. You can reach us via our online form or call 860-522-3129.